The page cannot be displayed error while saving the page in sharepoint
Recently we faced an issue where we were not able to save a SharePoint page after editing. The page was redirecting to the HTTPS URLs and since the web application was not configured to be accessible using HTTPS, the response we got was “The page cannot be displayed”.
It looked like the issue with SharePoint but interestingly it was not.
When we tried to open it using one of the front end servers, the page redirect was perfect which leads to the fact that something is wrong with the configuration of load balancer for the web application.
After multiple discussions, we found out that load balancer had a HTTP profile configured for the web application and it has a parameter “redirect rewrite” which was set to “matching” which was redirecting the SharePoint website to HTTPS page.
So we changed the parameter “redirect rewrite” from “matching” to “none” and it worked. J
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